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An Evaluation and Assessment System for Online MCQ's Exams

Asem Omari
College of Computer Science and Engineering, Hail University, Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abstract—Examination is one of the common methods to assess the level of knowledge of the students. In order to improve the quality of teaching, it is believed that teacher must be able to set good or proper exam questions. A good and reasonable exam consists of questions that are able to find out students learning levels. In this paper, we propose a computer system designed to evaluate the quality of online exam questions. We took the online exam of computer skills course introduced to undergraduate students at Jarash University in Jordan as a case study. The system takes online exam questions that are stored in a question bank as input, and based on some exam evaluation criterion, the system gives a report of difficult, easy, and medium level, and excellent questions. Based on the report, the teacher can delete bad questions, improve weak question, and sustain good questions. Furthermore, the system saves a lot of time and efforts needed to evaluate exam questions in the traditional methods.

Index Terms—exam evaluation system, multiple choice questions (MCQs), evaluation methodology

Cite: Asem Omari, "An Evaluation and Assessment System for Online MCQ's Exams," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 219-222, September 2013. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.1.3.219-222
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