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An Enhanced Bandwidth Management Scheme for Improved Quality of Service in Network Communication System

Munir Kolapo Yahya-Imam 1, Sellapan Palaniappan 2, and Vathsala Devi 3
1. Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Selangor, Malaysia
2. School of Science and Engineering, Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract—Bandwidth resource management has been adjudged a powerful scheme in controlling communications on a network to avoid overfilling the link to capacity which always results in network congestion and poor quality of service. Bandwidth throttling, a technique widely used in many universities is been considered in this work. It is a process of blocking some links on the network over a period of time in order to conserve the bandwidth. However, it has these limitations: denial of service, slow loading, skipping and stuttering experiences jeopardizing efforts of researchers and general usage of the network which are great challenge in an academic environment. Hence, needs for an enhanced bandwidth management mechanism to overcome these limitations and to improve quality of network service. Effort in this paper is to design and implement an enhanced bandwidth management mechanism to improve efficiency and quality of service in an academic environment by integrating two intelligent tools (SQUID and CBQ) in a prioritization scheme. The enhanced scheme presented will provide platform for users to use the network at will and at different rate, thereby improving efficiency and quality of service. Consequently, this will enhance research activities in no small measure in our citadel of learning.

Index Terms—bandwidth management, quality of service, class based queuing, squid delay pools, tertiary institution network performance

Cite: Munir Kolapo Yahya-Imam, Sellapan Palaniappan, and Vathsala Devi, "An Enhanced Bandwidth Management Scheme for Improved Quality of Service in Network Communication System," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 147-152, June 2014. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.2.2.147-152
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