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Comparative Analysis of MIT Rule and Differential Evolution on Magnetic Levitation System

Priyank Jain and M. J. Nigam
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Abstract—In high accuracy applications such as designing autopilot system for aircrafts, missile guiding systems and in various fields for robotics and automation, one needs to design the control system with more powerful and advanced techniques so as to maintain the satisfactory performance of the overall system. The paper presents the comparative analysis of MIT rule based control with Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm based control by implementing them on magnetic levitation system in real time. It also shows the development of adjustment mechanism with necessary mathematics using gradient algorithm based MIT rule along with the mathematical modeling of magnetic levitation system. The simulations have been performed using MATLAB, and a comparative study among two strategies has been done based on these simulations. The performance of the developed controllers has been evaluated on magnetic levitation system in real time, which suggests that DE based offline tuned PID controller performs comparatively better than MIT rule based online tuned PID controller. Results also depict that MIT rule control is very sensitive to parameter variations, whereas DE based control shows robust performance.
Index Terms—adaptive control, differential evolution, magnetic levitation, MIT rule, PID controller

Cite: Priyank Jain and M. J. Nigam, "Comparative Analysis of MIT Rule and Differential Evolution on Magnetic Levitation System," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 153-157, April 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.2.153-157
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