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Literature Review of Telemedicine System for Emergency Health Tribulations

Ramesh. Gamasu
M.Tech Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SACET, Cherala (A.P), India
Abstract—During the past decade, more and more people have been able to avoid physically going into work by telecommuting from their home computer to diagnosing their emergency health problems. Medicine has taken a cue from this growing trend by combining telecommunications technology and medicine to create telemedicine and tele-health care. While healthcare professionals have always communicated with one another over the telephone, telemedicine kicks things up a notch by utilizing sophisticated satellite technology to broadcast consultations between healthcare professionals who are oceans apart or only a few miles away. Videoconferencing equipment and robotic technology have helped to make doctor’s offices and medical facilities as close to one another as the nearest computer screen. There are two popular types of technology used for telemedicine applications. The first of these is called “store and forward”. In this paper we describe the Importance of telemedicine applications in real time applications and other.
Index Terms—emergency health problems, Telecommunication technology, tele-health care, store and forward, telemedicine

Cite: Ramesh. Gamasu, "Literature Review of Telemedicine System for Emergency Health Tribulations," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 163-170, April 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.2.163-170
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