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The Performance Study of Complete and Incomplete State Feedback of a Missile Auto Pilot System

Sanjukta Dey and Chiranjit Sain
Siliguri Institute of Technology, Sukna, Siliguri, India
Abstract—A procedure for the choice of proper closed loop pole locations for pole placement technique has been proposed. To get fast and stable acceleration in pitch plane with good tracking quality, a pole placement method has been used to a linear missile autopilot. In this paper Missile auto pilot with incomplete state feedback as well as complete state feedback has been presented. The performances of the system like time response and frequency response characteristics have been studied here. Thus the choice of a missile auto pilot configuration can be done from this article. A comparative study has also been carried out between the incomplete and complete state feedback missile auto pilot system in order to meet the performance specifications for a class of guided missiles. The performance indices of the system have been executed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment to get the different characteristics.
Index Terms—autopilot, pitch plane, state feedback, MATLAB, simulation

Cite: Sanjukta Dey and Chiranjit Sain, "The Performance Study of Complete and Incomplete State Feedback of a Missile Auto Pilot System," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 331-335, August 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.4.331-335
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