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Efficient Power Transmission with Existing Grid System of Bangladesh

Aktabujjaman, S. Islam, and M. A. Ullah
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Abstract—Sustaining power quality with increasing demand is becoming a challenge to power engineers. Effective transmission and distribution of electrical power is the major concern all over the world. Existing grid system of Bangladesh utilizes about 49% of its capacity. It cannot run with its full capacity due to poor voltage regulation. IEC standard of voltage regulation is ±5% whereas power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) allows ±10% voltage regulation. It is shown that voltage regulation in some buses lower than the PGCB standard even though PGCB uses reactive power compensator to improve voltage regulation problems of the grid system. This paper demonstrates how voltage regulation improves by selecting suitable location of power compensator in the existing grid. Relation between voltage regulation and power consumption is also shown. If three power compensators relocate in the grid system, the voltage regulation increased on 32.62% of total load and no busses experiences voltage regulation lower than PGCB standard. Moreover, if the PGCB allows 464 MVAR more reactive power compensator, the voltage regulation of the power grid can achieve IEC standard (for the load connected in the year of 2012) and if PGCB redesign reactive power compensator it may reach IEC standard by 731 MVAR. The result shows in this paper is performed by ETAP software.
Index Terms—reactive power compensation, effective power transmission, voltage regulation, power grid of Bangladesh, PGCB, national grid
Cite: Aktabujjaman, S. Islam, and M. A. Ullah, "Efficient Power Transmission with Existing Grid System of Bangladesh," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 336-343, October 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.5.336-343
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