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Substation Smartizing: An IEC Based Approach for Utility Smart Analytics Development

Jose L. P. Brittes1, Luiz C. Magrini2, Paula S. D. Kayano2, Ferdinando Crispino2, Osvaldo Rein Junior 3, Jose A. Jardini 3, Wagner S. Hokama 4, and Luis G. Fernandez Silva 4
1. Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
2. Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Engenharia, FDTE, São Paulo, Brazil
3. Escola Politécnica da USP, EPUSP, São Paulo, Brazil
4. CPFL Paulista, Campinas, Brazil
Abstract—Recognizing that to survive in 21th century, utilities must take advantages of smart platforms, IEC has provided a homogeneous IT landscape based on CIM/XLM standardized data format for source data. It allows utilities to vitally combine their large number of autonomous IT systems, with great potential for optimizing their core processes. But this landscape itself will not be enough, unless utility actually and smartly connects IEDs and systems at that surviving critical level. This article presents an approach that tries to make easier the utility improve core processes, based on substation “smartizing”, by means of creating in smart substations, key-value operating and functional data, information and knowledge, in a continuous upstream add-value process, making them suited to each IED, System and decision maker at every utility level. “Smartizing” architecture is fully IEC compliant. The approach is being applied in a 25 MVA distribution substation in Brazil, in a 10 GW demand peak utility group.
Index Terms—smart grid, substation automation, IEC automation standards

Cite: Jose L. P. Brittes, Luiz C. Magrini, Paula S. D. Kayano, Ferdinando Crispino, Osvaldo Rein Junior, Jose A. Jardini, Wagner S. Hokama, and Luis G. Fernandez Silva, "Substation Smartizing: An IEC Based Approach for Utility Smart Analytics Development," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 284-289, August 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijeee.4.4.284-289
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