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Spectrum Occupancy Measurements at University Campus in Turkey

İ. Şeflek and E. Yaldız
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
Abstract—The recent augmentation of wireless communication applications that need broadband usage increases the importance of Cognitive Radio (CR) which offers dynamic spectrum access. CR aims to provide unlicensed users to access licensed bands (underutilize or idle) without interfering with the licensed users. On the other hand, one of the first steps that should be taken about cognitive radio is the necessity to know the current spectrum usage. For this reason, many spectrum occupancy measurements are performed worldwide, especially in America and Europe. This paper presents spectrum occupancy measurements carried out in Konya, Turkey. The measurements cover 30 to 3000MHz frequency range. Analysis of the data acquired from the measurement is presented in comparison with the national frequency allocation table. The obtained results have shown that many frequency bands are suitable for cognitive radio.
Index Terms—cognitive radio, measurement campaign, spectrum monitoring, spectrum occupancy
Cite: İ. Şeflek and E. Yaldız, "Spectrum Occupancy Measurements at University Campus in Turkey," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-6, February 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijeee.5.1.1-6
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