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Two Phase, Three Legs Inverter with Z-Source Input Impedance

Ghassan A. Hameed, Mahmood N. Abed, and Ibrahim Mahariq
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Turkey
Abstract—This paper is talking about two phase inverter, three legs with Z-source input impedance. At first showing two phase inverter two legs and its operation modes using Sine Pulse Width Modulation SPWM. After that connection of two phase inverter circuit with three legs, and switches operation modes using (SPWM). In section four, Z-source input impedance, method of introducing Z-source input impedance onto two phase inverter, two legs, and onto two phase inverter circuit, with three legs. The method of how to get shoot-through states and use them to raise the voltage output of the inverter. Finally simulation results.

Index Terms—z-source, shoot- through, switches
Cite: Ghassan A. Hameed, Mahmood N. Abed, and Ibrahim Mahariq, "Two Phase, Three Legs Inverter with Z-Source Input Impedance," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 59-65, February 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijeee.5.1.59-65
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