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Integrating Math, Physics and Microcontroller Technology into a Temperature Control System

Jie Sheng
School of Engineering and Technology, University of Washington, Tacoma, USA
Abstract—Control engineering is an interdisciplinary field requiring knowledges on math, physics, circuits, sensors, actuator, and microcontrollers (for digital control implementation). It also provides users experiences in testing, simulation and real-time implementation. This paper presents a course demonstration project illustrating the essence of control engineering. The objective is to design and apply a PID controller to maintain the temperature of a power resistor by using Arduino Mega 2560. After device modelling and testing by applying math and physics knowledges, the open-loop system dynamics can be determined and controllers can be designed. By comparing the simulation and experimental closed-loop system performances, the difference caused by plant-model mismatch is discussed. The importance of integrating math, physics, and circuits with microcontroller technology in embedded control systems is also highlighted.
Index Terms—control engineering, microcontroller, temperature control

Cite: Jie Sheng, "Integrating Math, Physics and Microcontroller Technology into a Temperature Control System," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 6-10, March 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijeee.8.1.6-10

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