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Standard Cell Transistor Level ATPG Coverage

Ang Boon Chong
eASIC Corp
Abstract—A study of components field failure rate over the years shows reduction in failure rates of various component [1] while another study [2] shows only 20% the percentage of system meeting reliability requirement from 1996 to 2000. The contradict observation between two studies drives the need to understand the system testability not only from logic gate functional perspective but the true coverage from transistor level as well. In the automotive semiconductors industry, the target tolerated field failure rates is zero percentage and the defect parts per million, DPM for automotive semiconductor is 1DPM. Hence there is a need to put more efforts on device, board and system level testability in order to deliver a consistently reliable and cost effective product to market. This paper will analyze the standard cell’s ATPG coverage at transistor level with commercial ATPG tool. Hopefully the finding will benefit the readers.

Index Terms—standard cell, ATPG modeling, transistor

Cite: Ang Boon Chong, "Standard Cell Transistor Level ATPG Coverage," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 197-201, June 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.3.197-201
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