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Flowchart Based Storyboard System for Authoring Visual Contents in Mixed Reality Space

S. W. Baik, M. Azhar, Fahad, M. Sajjad, I. Mehmood, B. W. Gu, W. J. Park, W. Kim, M. Y. Lee, J. S. Han, and Y. Jang
Digital Contents Research Institute, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
Abstract—This paper presents a flowchart based storyboard system that facilitates user in creation, systemization and analysis of story visualization. The proposed storyboard system has the ability to display complete story in a single view by connecting various scenes of the story. It can handle complex scene using scene inside scene. The proposed system has three modes 1) visual, 2) description, and 3) title that help users in understanding a story context very easily. Peer feedback can be easily incorporated to enhance structure of the story. The output-file (i.e. .xml file) of the proposed storyboard can be used as an input to the content-authoring tool. Using the information mentioned in the xml file, content-authoring tool builds virtual contents for mixed reality space accordingly. The proposed storyboard has been compared with recent state-of-the-art storyboards by considering the strengths and weaknesses of each underlying system. Extensive comparisons with existing systems highlight the importance of the proposed storyboard.
Index Terms—flowchart, mixed reality, storyboard system, virtual reality

Cite: S. W. Baik, M. Azhar, Fahad, M. Sajjad, I. Mehmood, B. W. Gu, W. J. Park, W. Kim, M. Y. Lee, J. S. Han, and Y. Jang, "Flowchart Based Storyboard System for Authoring Visual Contents in Mixed Reality Space," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 240-244, June 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.3.240-244
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