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Tuning and Control of Multi Variable Systems

T. Chiranjeeevi, I. V. V. Vijetha, B. N. CH. V. Chakravarthi, and M. Karthika
Vishnu Institute of Technology, EEE Department, Bhimavaram, India
Abstract—The reported method of Equivalent transfer function(ETF) method for PI/PID decoupled controller design of multi-input multi-output square systems (Xiong, et al., 2007) is extended to non-square systems. This method is applied by simulation to Example considered by Ogunnaike and Ray (1994) given by 2×3 system. Simulation studies have been carried out for servo problem and regulatory problems. Robust performance (10% increase in each process gain, 10% increase in each time delay, and 10% decrease in each time constant) of servo problem and regulatory problem are also checked. The improvement of performance of non-square controller compared with that square controller is evaluated. The performance is evaluated in terms of ISE.

Index Terms—ETF, decoupled controller, servo, non square, ISE

Cite: T. Chiranjeeevi, I. V. V. Vijetha, B. N. CH. V. Chakravarthi, and M. Karthika, "Tuning and Control of Multi Variable Systems," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 309-320, December 2014. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.2.4.309-320
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