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On Extending the Sensing of Privacy-Aware Online Social Networks

Asma Wasfi 1 and Qurban Memon 2
1. College of Engineering, UAE University
2. EE Department, UAE University, Al-Ain, 15551, UAE
Abstract—Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are mature enough for widespread adoption. WSNs could be made more attractive to end users by integrating them with online social networks (OSNs). This includes developing novel applications and interaction paradigms between WSNs and OSNs. In this paper, an effort is made by extending the prevalent sensing abilities of online social networks by injecting more sensing features and then processing and clustering some of this information for fruitful use using a locally developed application. Data privacy is enforced using data levels and user roles. Firstly, a conceptual framework is presented followed by local development of its components and services. The application is developed in a typical environment such as Android.

Index Terms—social networks, privacy, role based access

Cite: Asma Wasfi and Qurban Memon, "On Extending the Sensing of Privacy-Aware Online Social Networks," International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 323-330, August 2015. doi: 10.12720/ijeee.3.4.323-330
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